David Maloney Tribute - featuring Ginny Reilly, Dan Maher, Wes Weddell, Nancy K. Dillon, Tim Noah, & Steve Wacker
When: Saturday, Nov 4 2023 @ 07:30 PM (GMT-7:00)
Where: Maple Leaf Lutheran Church in Meadowbrook - Seattle, WA
The West Coast acoustic music scene lost an influential presence with the unexpected passing of David Maloney in March. From his decades of work with Ginny Reilly in Reilly & Maloney through numerous solo albums and other collaborations, David’s songs touched multiple generations with their depth of heart and humor. Join us as we celebrate many of these compositions and remember David with a live concert featuring musicians who have worked with and were influenced by this beloved singer and songwriter. Performances from: Ginny Reilly, Dan Maher, Wes Weddell, Nancy K. Dillon, Tim Noah, & Steve Wacker. ARTIST WEBSITES https://www.ginnystillsings.com https://danmaher.bandcamp.com http://www.wesweddell.com https://www.nancykdillon.net https://timnoah.com https://open.spotify.com/artist/7LmBlxhz0Fwt1t7e0y2VYO VENUE https://reachoutchurch.org
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